
Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Copeland Collection, Part 2

I love collage so last year when my package of collages arrived in the mail from New Zealand, I was thrilled. I am going to show you a few more I received, with permission of the artists. If you are considering participating this year, the link with instructions is here. The directions are pretty clear about sending in 13 collages (or fewer or more of them), 8 inches by 10 inches, to arrive in New Zealand by March 20, 2009.

However, even though getting that many original, one of a kind collages in the mail was wonderful, the best part was the push to make 13 or more collages. (I made a few extra, one for myself, and one to share.) It really did spark my creativity, and I created collage that I might not have had I not done such a large series.

I have a few tips for you. I didn’t title any of my collage, nor did I number them. So when I got my list from Dale, I had no idea how to know which artist got which of my collages. This year I will name them, or least number them. I made the package to Dale quite nice, neat and tidy, but I wish I had enclosed each individual collage in a clear bag to protect it, such as can be purchased here. I like to work in a square format, so I made my collage smaller, and then mounted them onto 8 inch by 10 inch water color paper, which was a lovely presentation.

I found I could complete 3 resolved good collages with a full day in the studio, except when I could only get two. You know how that is. I also mailed my collage by March 1, to allow for shipping time. I am telling you this so you have some kind of idea of the time it took me.

When I received my collage from Jette Clover, Gothic Pages 10, I was thrilled to find she has a great web site. She describes her medium as art quilts, which she says is constructed like collage. She tells us her work is as much about touch as it is about vision. Believe me; I have touched the piece I received. It is rich with tactile texture; layers, stitches, and the weave of the cloth, as well as paper. I am showing you the collage I received form Jette, and the one featured in Dale’s book, The Copeland Collection. Jette’s website is rich with photos of her large and small work.
I am showing you the collage I did last year which Dale choose to keep for her collection. Of course, I was honored! It's the work with the two figures, untitled. In return I received one of Dale’s yummy collages, which I will post in the near future. Dale also choose my collage to include in her book, page 55.

Sometime next week I will do another International Collage post, and show you more from my collection, with permission of the artists.


  1. okay, if I read this correctly, the first image is yours? I love that piece - so strong! boy this is quite the project! good luck to you this time around - March isn't that far off, is it?

  2. You have associated with a great group. How wonderful to give and receive these collages. I clicked on Jette Clover's site...very interesting. I like sewing connected to collage (my flickr collages)
    I especially like your collage featured on this post! Do you still work with the human figure!

  3. Leslie, unfortunately, I don't create collages. (I take part in some International Print Exhibitions.)I love your works and Jette Clover's layering, texture and monochromatic tones. I look forward to see your collection.

  4. Great post. The first image made a deep impression. Thanks.

  5. The collage exchange sounds like so much fun... to both create and receive! Your blog is wonderful... I'm so glad you stopped by to visit mine :) Have a great weekend.

  6. Congratulations on having your collage chosen for Dale's book. It's a great collage!
    Good luck with this years selection.

  7. The first image - which I think is yours - is wonderful. Just love it. Good to meet you in the blogging world. Ax

  8. Yes...I am really enjoying your collage Leslie! and congratulations on having it published! What a thrill.
    Thanks for all the great information about the collage exchange too.

  9. beautiful. I love the 2 figures on the 1st one, the way they connect.

  10. Thanks a lot for the widget recomendation.
    The new post is amazing, it reveal a great creativity and imagination power.

    José Brito

  11. All three of these collages are wonderful. And it was quite interesting to read how you would do things differently in the project this year.

  12. ooooooooooo i absolutely love ur work and blog - nice to meet u

  13. The Collage Exchange is a fnatastic idea. I number all my art cards and keep them in a small box. As I take out an Art Card to sell, trade or give away - I replace the Art Card with an index card written with the number of the card and name & address of the person who received the card. For my paintings, I put a page in a binder with a photo of the painting and again the receiver/purchaser's info.


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