
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Collage and an Interview!

Between moving my studio to its new home across the driveway, working and keeping an eye on the inaugural events, I haven’t had much time for creating art. But the International Collage Exchange is due to be in New Zealand in late March, so I am focusing on making my collages for the exchange. This is one of them I have completed, but haven’t named yet.

There is an opportunity to buy collage in the International Collage Exchange during the month of April. Last year I bought the collage of Joan Schulze, an artist whose work I admire. Her collage is shown here. It is titled Long Nights. Joan states her series for the 2008 exchange is An Exercise In The Poetry of 13. I notice Joan has sent in her collage for this year’s exchange already.

I have had fun interviewing Ruth Armitage, who has a blog called Art is Truth. The link to her interview is here. Ruth is a fun loving artist who uses color and shape to express her ideas. Her work is often figurative. I particularly enjoy her piece called Shoe Shopping.


  1. Never once disappointed when I visit here!
    I adore your completed collage here,,,it's so 'quiet',,,but not.
    Also enjoyed seeing the one by Joan Schultz,,,,you two definitely know your way around in the collage thing!

  2. Well, the images are as lovely as ever.

  3. really like the *strata* in your collage - can't wait to see the International College for 2009. Joan Schultz is a favorite of mine too.

    Curious about your new studio space, Leslie. Will you be sharing photos?

  4. I really like yours, as well as the Schultz piece!

  5. beautiful. i love how the '82' is shaped and appears in black but quite discrete on white.

  6. Beautiful collages as usual and even better today I got a REAL one in the post - thank you so much Leslie I love it and will be framing it as soon as possible! I shall put it somewhere I can look at it everyday!

  7. Leslie...another amazing collage from you. Will look forward to seeing the others.
    Yes, I like Joan Schultz's work. My friend Janette did a workshop with Joan a few years ago, here in Australia.
    Thanks for Joan's link too...

  8. Fantastic composition and the layers are just right!

  9. I really am excited by your work it is so "painterly"
    I have yet to learn the art of making a satisfactory collage which does not become excessive.
    I bought a print of Joan schulz's work after doing a workshop with her in 2007.
    Jo has directed my to your site and I am so glad she did

  10. Hi Leslie,
    Thanks so much for the interview :) Your link goes to my website, not the blog where the interview is....


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