
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Following the Lead of Watercolors

Leslie Avon Miller

You are valuable because you exist. 
Not because of what you do or what you have done
 - but simply because you are.

~Max Lucado

Leslie Avon Miller

In a dream this week I made selections. From several choices I had in the dream, I chose a vase, which was old, vintage and, typical of the oddness of dream images, of several styles all at the same time. I knew the vase would fit in with the collection I have inherited from my female ancestors.

Then I selected a mantel clock with a graceful curve of wood and a simple round face. Not too big, not too small, but just right, this clock was designed to sit on the mantel, above a nice warm fire in the heart of the home.

Leslie Avon Miller

A vase; a container of plenty, meant to hold water and beautiful blooms. A clock keeping time, measuring out the days and hours. I choose a container and time.  I think the message is about a life not too full, not too lacking, but just right, here, now in this time. 

Leslie Avon Miller

I acknowledge a sense I have experienced of late that I want to simplify a bit. I want to focus on what is important and to remind myself that there is enough. Enough means I am satisfied, calm and I feel gratitude. My appetite is satiated.

This is not a strongly practiced concept in Western cultures where we experience a lot of messages to have more, do more, earn more, spend more, invest more, be more, compete for the prize more…well you get the point.

Leslie Avon Miller

There is enough to go around. There is no competition. There is enough for you and there is enough for me. This concept relaxes me and allows me to be here, at this moment in my life. I like the feeling.

Pausing to deeply enjoy the stars and moon before bed and hearing the bird song in the early morning brings me enjoyment and satisfaction at the beginning and end of the day. It is enough. Life is rich. Life is a miracle. 

A simple life is a treasure.  The lovely and appreciated connections made through the blog world with like minded souls like you are one of my dearest treasures. These experiences are the beautiful blooms I want to place in my container.

Leslie Avon Miller

Gently following the lead of watercolors in the studio, the placement of a piece of paper just so, and wrapping little bundles just because I am called to do so provides me with contentment in the very moment.

If you would like to receive one of these small paper constructions, you are invited to leave a comment and let me know. I will wait a week and then I will drop your names in a basket and announce the results in my next blog post. I suspect my next post will go up in a week or so. If your email is available via your profile I’ll contact you.


  1. I see blogger is testing my serenity today. Fonts, fonts, who cares which font?

    Each strand of fiber has several little bundles tied to it. One strand is the prize for the give away. Some of them remind me of bird wings.

  2. A wonderful air dance of scraps, kites, wings, fibers and flying papers!

  3. Just wanted to say that I enjoyed your post Leslie, it came right when I'm perfectly receptive to this idea. I've also decided to stop striving and just be grateful for what is. I love the spirit of your hanging as well as your interpretation of the dream.

    Thank you for sharing and if I win I'll be grateful for that too!

  4. Love this post its just what I needed, to simplify, calm down, slow down. Thank you

  5. p.s. If you click on the images you can see them larger if you like.

  6. hi, leslie.... long time away from blogging. spent my winter simplifying life as well.
    calmness in the coolness of the quiet time.
    as i scrolled, i felt such JOY from the floating winged fibers .. .
    back to the top, and your text lifted me further!
    thank you.
    YES. put me into the basket. if not from you, then from me: i might just have to 'float some fibers' too. x0

  7. Wonderful post, Leslie. I'm glad you've come to that place of true inner simplicity. I've never been happier in my life, since I got to that place. I have so little...but true abundance. Namaste

  8. Beautiful post and beautiful fiber work.

  9. Just what I needed to hear today! That's another form of simplicity, isn't it, trusting that what we need will come to us.

    I love your winged, fluttery beings. Making me think of light and freedom and of course, simplicity!

  10. Light feathery and graceful! Yes please I'd love to have a chance of looking at one of these every day.

  11. Dear Leslie, I would love to have a chance to receive one of your winged fibers. What a lovely post. I believe that gratitude for the simple things in life is so important. Some people say it is the key to happiness and I agree. Have a lovely weekend.

  12. beautiful feathery things. I would love one. I have been simplifying for years but then, I suddenly found myself in a complex situation. I see I need to simplify even more. With a new focus now that I am 67.

    Thank you for your thoughtful words. Follow the watercolor, I love that.

  13. As I read your words I thought - yes - I too have enough and really, life is good. A lovely reminder to be content.

    The Blogger font thing can indeed test the most patient!

  14. I often think that all I need is a pencil and a piece of paper and I am happy. These constructions of yours speak of new possibility, but they are uniquely yours. I really like them.

  15. To simplify sounds idyllic, although many of us have a hard time getting there. Beautiful post.

  16. When your blog came up on my reader I thought i was seeing the most exquisite flowers and it wasn't until i clicked the image that I saw, they are so beautiful Leslie and so is your post, just what I needed after this week. Good reminders; enough, simplicity and beauty. Thanks

  17. Buenos días, Leslie: Thank you for all your post, and specially by this. I´d like you put my name in your basket. Thanks

  18. LAM - love the cascade of fragments; and love the line "a simple life is a treasure." Go well and continue to have fullness in your life. B

  19. A lovely floaty post, both in imagery and thought. A feeling of simplicity, contentment and openness to new possibilities. I would love to put my name in the basket, thank you Lesie.

  20. So beautiful Leslie. Your art, your soul. I am so grateful for people like you who give so much kindness to this world. Thanks

  21. So happy I discovered your blog! It has such a sense of peace within it.

  22. You have so many beautiful sentiments and words filled with light and hope.. and many zen tenets... simplicity, and awareness of each moment.

  23. my heart kinda does a summersault looking at the creativity
    popping like popcorn here,
    the defiance against shut-down-ness:):):)
    who needs paint!
    you are a true artist
    in every sense of the word,

  24. I loved this post

    to dream and simplify, yes...

    that is enough for sure.


  25. Love your beautiful thoughts and the work.I like the simple,humble simplicity of what you do. Thanks for reminding me of what we are about.

  26. Leslie, this is possibly my favorite ever of your blog posts!!!
    The concept of simplicity/ abundance resonates strongly with me and I LOVE your mobile bundles. In seems like in letting go or cup is spilling over!


  27. Delicate wings all fluttering about...I like the transparent ones and the lovely spotted ones...I feel like a botanist! Thoughtful words as well!

  28. Leslie - such beautiful work - it evokes and speaks of all that you speak of I think. It is good to be aware and mindful of the richness in our lives and to simplify - closer connections to the earth, to time and ourselves. Go well.

  29. Like one of the other readers, I thought at first that you had made flowers. These delicate works of art have such a feeling of being alive, in the here and now, which echoes your words. To live in the now, to know that it is enough- I think these are worthy goals.

  30. Hi everyone: Your names are all going in the basket. One name will be chosen this weekend, so you still have time.
    Thank you for all the kind comments!

  31. Hi Leslie, it's so nice to be reminded to enjoy the simple things. Our lives get so easily out of control. Thanks for sharing and encouraging us all in the blogging world X

  32. these mothlike things, lovely as the words.

  33. Hello Everyone: The winning name has been drawn from a birch bark basket...I'll get a blog post up as soon as I can and let you know whose name is it.

  34. I love this work Leslie...and the concept of pausing!

  35. comme les pollen dans le vent.. très beau!

  36. "Enough" is a concept that could change the world.

  37. Leslie, such a blessed pool of beauty here on your blog and your pinterest sharings. I am truly inspired. Thank you.
    Lorna Pollock


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