
Friday, March 1, 2013


Leslie Avon Miller, Collage

The god of dirt
came up to me many times and said
so many wise and delectable things.

 I lay
on the grass listening
to his dog voice,
crow voice,
frog voice; now,
he said, and now,

and never once mentioned forever

~ Mary Oliver ~

Leslie Avon Miller, Collage

Leslie Avon Miller, Collage

I have been seeking refuge, a sanctuary and retreat. 
I find my path by making small art.  

Art is my refuge.

Leslie Avon Miller, Collage

Do not let Sunday be taken from you.

If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan.

~Albert Schweitzer

Paper, textures, torn edges, small patterns, marks and my thoughts.
These make up the collages 
which are my refuge, my Sunday.

My soul is not an orphan. 


  1. These intimately sized collage are in small booklets I am making as an exploration of the ideas of Sanctuary, Refuge, Retreat, Haven and Harbor.
    I find if I can carve out art time in my week, my feeling of satisfaction and contentment increases. Art is like a vital nutrient.

  2. Art is my refuge too. I've been trying to wake up 1.5-2 hours earlier than my kids in order to get done time in the studio. Changes My whole mood for the day.
    Love that these collages are in small booklets. Adds to the concept of haven/sanctuary/refuge. Something that one has to step into.

    1. Yes, art time does change our mood for the better! Good point Bridgette!

  3. The lovely thing about books is that they are art to take to bed
    Look at last thing in the day
    Before the eyes close on the night.
    And I do like the dogs sorry gods of dirt.

    1. Books and bed time go together, and are even better with a purring cat or a happy dog.

  4. This blog post is a sanctuary. Looking at your peaceful images I feel the comfort you experience in your art. I also recognize the relief art brings me.

    1. Relief, yes that too Robyn! Relief that it is flowing outwards.

  5. ici, sur ce blog.. un joli refuge.. rare , mais beau!

  6. these collages are delicious little bites! and of course sandwiched between Mary Oliver and Albert Schweitzer they become nourishing bites for the soul!

    thanks as always for your deep and wakeful thoughts on the subject of art. "vital nutrient" I like that!

  7. You are true to the name you have chosen for your blog. Your collection of textures and colors are beautiful combinations.

    If it wasn't for Art, I'm afraid what the world would come to.

    1. I agree Gwen, all the creative art expression must be good for the world.

  8. Love that you are finding refuge in your art. Beautiful collages.

  9. beautiful collages. sanctuary. a wonderful place to seek and find. just love love the little packages in your header. i can just feel them in my hands.

  10. I think we all are in agreement that these lovely haiku are art for and from the soul. Well done.

  11. yes,
    a refuge,
    a sanctuary
    all of it
    the work
    the sense of place
    and time
    the comments
    and replies
    happy sunday to you...

  12. the third line before the end, i read snail patterns. hmmm

  13. Now, not forever. What a beautiful thought. It is calming somehow, and very peaceful. Thank you for the beauty of your images and the inspiration of the poetry. It stirs the soul!

  14. Sanctuary is such an important concept -- well captured here in words and images. I love the addition of the text to your collages.

  15. I agree, art making can serve as a sanctuary and these beauties speak well of your exploration. Love the Mary Oliver words mixed with your markings!

  16. LAM - I am so with you on art being a refuge - it is just so comforting and uplifting to be able to go and just do a little something for one's self and one's soul. My little pods are in a way the equivalent of your small works. Go well - peace. B

  17. This is lovely and gentle and true Leslie - i enjoyed the sense and the meaning of it.

  18. After your workweek, Sunday is your sanctuary...and making art on Sunday is your refuge... your respite, your healing day.. your own inner world coming to light and peace.

  19. i love the beauty
    and poetry
    of your sharing:)
    daffodil love,

  20. everyone has said what l intended so say, so l shall just say....thank you sharing this wonderful word and words with usxxlynda


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