
Saturday, March 17, 2012

High Tide In the Studio

In the flow of life there are daily tides, and waves. 

There are storms followed 
afterwards with calm seas again.

I am only human and I find myself bemoaning the storm, 
fighting the waves and wishing for perfect conditions....
which are not happening.

And this too, is forgiven. I forgive myself this as I write. 
This being in the moment business has its challenges....
I find it less challenging when the moments are full, 
ripe and rich for the picking. 

My moments now often contain obligations, chores, 
and multiple voices calling for attention. 
One of those voices is my own true self and though I hear her, 
I attend to the others. 
I say to myself 

"Wait. Wait a little bit. Soon, soon." 

My voice and I have been through this before. 

I know about these times, and that rather than writhe against it, 
I may as well put on my raincoat and keep walking.

Right now the tide is high, the winds are strong 
and the beach I walk is narrow. 

I have the same 24 hours as everyone does, 
but it seems not enough.

So I make tiny art. 
Small art. Palm sized art. 

And I console myself with this during stormy late winter high tides.  
And in those moments I am most myself, 
in love with being and making.

If you would like one of these tags to arrive in a handmade envelope 
to your mail box, please leave a comment. 
I shall include your name in a draw. 

I’ll announce the winners next weekend. 

So stay in touch so you can send me your snail mail address 
if your name is one of the ones drawn.

Meanwhile I will probably make more small art, 
until time opens up and I start painting again. 

Soon, soon.


  1. Each tiny piece is a gem Leslie. You're weathering the storms well.

  2. nous avons besoin de temps en temps.. de faire des créations plus petites... mais elles sont aussi importantes ...

  3. These are so beautiful. I would dearly love one, not good at winning things but I can always hope.
    Your blog is always full of inspiration.

  4. You will have a good chance to win, as I plan to send several tags on their way across the seas or anywhere you are!

  5. ah, these tags are just beautiful. sometimes small is large.

  6. High tide, low tide.
    Tiny art,small art,palm sized art, beautiful art.
    There is a crack in everything,
    that's how the light gets in.

  7. Your tiny art is delicious! And your words are insightful. Of course I'd love to be entered in the draw for a scrumptious tag.

    wishing you quiet hours of clear sailing or happy times splashing in life's puddles.

    You inspire with your wise words and bits of beauty!

  8. oh don't wait - there is no prize, no reward for waiting....the obligations will always be there no matter what but the inner space to make may not be...the tags are lovely too but the paintings have more room to pour into...ah, I see the Kafka quote on the sidebar...yes.

  9. What a lovely lament. Your small art tags are gorgeous, and I would love to have my name drawn for one. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity in sending them out into the world.

  10. The voice of your true self. Probably the one that is the most important to hear and listen to. Lovely tags. Sign me up for a chance.

  11. Oh, I know these storms you speak of so well. I get it.
    "I attend others".

    And yet the hugeness of these small works is a testament to the 'you who nurtures you'. Your True self.
    Of course I'd adore one; thanks for the opportunity!

  12. hello, just found you through Seth's blog. congrats on being part of the 31! glad i found your blog, and now i have a chance to win an amazing piece of art.
    cheers! i will be back.

  13. This is my first visit to your blog. I came from Seth's place. He has a genuine way of bringing people together. I had a good look around and I love your art. Equally important are the words and phrases you use to express your artistic approach. I'm thrilled just to view your art, and a piece of your art would be even more lovely. I'm definitely a fan for life.

  14. It's as if you were reading my thoughts. "Wait. Wait a little bit. Soon, soon." ...... I know that voice so well. This post makes me feel less alone with my struggles to find the right conditions (time and space) to make art. Your tags are perfect little haiku. (I feel very fortunate to have a few of your tags). Thank you Leslie.

  15. these are lovely and I would be delighted to win one!
    you are such an inspiration Leslie...

    xox - eb.

  16. I understand completely…..I've been making "small" art since last september. I just seem unable to engage with anything else in a way I'm that makes me happy. This is also because of recognising the non stop multi-tasking I have to do right now. Theses tags are a great way of creating when you are in a period of stasis.

  17. Leslie you are an inspiration! These tags are still your true voice quietly speaking in a crowd of obligations. Each one so lovely and I would be thrilled to have one. xxoo

  18. They are so beautiful - small, simple but full of meaning.

  19. I so get what you say. But your creativity with these small wonders is really remarkable.

  20. Oh Leslie, these small tags are wonderful.. they really are like small collages.. and so expressive of who you are and your aesthetic.. and your words are a poetic match.

  21. Leslie...I do the same thing that you talk about here but I call my "quiet art" because I do it at nap time while I am watching my granddaughter. I agree with what you say: there are the same 24 hours in a day but for some reason, mine seem to be less. So, I sit and make quiet art that at least I can enjoy. And in some ways I feel that our blogs are our art at times when we cannot be in the studio. I had such great hopes but have gotten off track so much in the last few years. First the older granddaughter, then ill-health, now the second granddaughter. (What you do for one sometimes leads to the other also). But, in a way I can feel proud that I have spend many hours "shaping" my grandchildren. My Natalie, almost 7, is so talented with drawing and I feel that I was responsible for that having her paint and draw at her easel while I watched her. Life is art, don't you agree? Love these tags!!

  22. Small is perfect for some moments and ideas, and may not be about time but a kind of treasuring. That said, time isn't really the issue, it's how one gives priority.
    I was so glad to see your post today because you have been missed, and you didn't even know it, did you?
    Thanks for being back.
    Victoria (

  23. I always look forward to your posts! Love the small tags - minute vacations or zen moments!

  24. Thank you to all of you and each of you. I will add your names into the draw for a tag and envelope, which will happen next weekend. So there is still time to comment.
    To each of you domo arigato!

  25. I would love to find one of these in my mailbox. for your generosity!

  26. Oooo! I love your art and would love to enjoy receiving them in the gorgeous envelope!! Love visiting your blog often!!

  27. Hi Leslie just popped over from Seth's blog love your work , Xpress wonderful work and love the reasoning behind it .....

    hugz bev

  28. Art is art, large or small. Your generosity is large, and I would love to be included in the drawing! A fellow sailor on the seas....

  29. Hi, I love small art and am thrilled to have a chance to win apiece of yours. The last small art I made was 54 ATC's all original drawings and handpainted. Made them in less than two weeks. Your blog is very poetic. Absolutely love your paintings. Congrats on being chosen to be in Seth's book.

  30. Dear Leslie - a friend and I have spoken about "Our year of small things..." when that was all we could manage; we gave ourselves permission to do small, make small - just make! I would love to go in the draw - your works always so heartfelt and achingly beautiful. Go well.

  31. The tags are lovely, Leslie. I often wish I had more than 24 hours in a day to do all the things I need to or wish to. More often than not, I end up settling. I like how you've continued to be creative even if on a smaller scale. Best wishes,

  32. Thank you for your beautiful words. I have done my share of waiting and your words are soothing to the impatient heart. Your art is beautiful. Please enter me into your drawing and thank you for your generosity.

  33. Really enjoyed running into you and your art world here on your blog - visually everything and a joyful addition to today!

  34. I love your tags! They are an expression of your art and I would totally appreciate winning them! Thanks!

  35. Leslie your words are beautiful as are your labels!

  36. just...Wow!

    found you through Seth's blog this morning, lucky me!

  37. Who wouldn't love a little piece of this delicious art? I sure would! Just found you through Seth's blog, became a follower and am already a huge fan!

  38. I love the little pieces of art! We just did an ATC exchange in a collage class! Loved working small.

  39. there's a nourishing calm
    to making bits and bites
    of art, isn't there:)
    love what you do
    and are,

  40. Found you through Seth's blog! Great post! Love these tags!

  41. I am so happy to have wandered back this way again. I love your posts and I especially like these smaller works. Good to see your work in the book too. I am going to treasure that book forever!

  42. I see I'm too late. Ah well. The looking was wonderful too.

  43. l am late too but l am so glad l found this sitexxso beautifulxxlynda


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