We had a little get away to the big city of Vancouver BC, and spent an afternoon strolling though several contemporary art galleries. I enjoyed looking at painting and mixed media presentations. It was time to take a break and fill up the well.
There were numbers of artists pouring a two part epoxy on top of their mixed media. They seemed to let it drip off the sides and leave the sides unfinished. Perhaps the intent was to have the purchaser frame the piece. Or maybe drips are considered edgy. I just wonder if it will eventually yellow. It certainly makes for a deep and shiny finish.
We saw an exhibit of Janna Watson’s work at Bau-Xi Gallery.
We also say a video by artist Mark Lewis at the Monte Clerk Gallery. It was interesting – no sound, monochromatic, landscapes, some sort of fortress. I would like to hear him explain it. I found him explaining another of his films here.
Work has continued on our studio building, but there isn’t much that’s photogenic: just drywall mud and tape. I’ll let you have a peek when something dramatic happens.
The other exciting bit was that here at home our neighbor saw our resident bear. We knew they were around, and evidence has always existed, but actual sightings are rare. Apparently a young bear was climbing a tree, and was spied by our neighbor. When she exclaimed, the bear dropped to the ground and scurried off, apparently to Mama Bear. I’m sorry I missed it!
I’m working hard behind the scenes designing a marketing class for artists who are (very, Very, or Very!) shy, frustrated and reluctant art marketers, who would love to be confident and sell their art so they can keep making more. I’ll keep you posted.