
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Studio Update and Artist's First Aid Kit

As I work with creative people and artists I find that many of us face similar challenges when it comes to creating our art. One challenge often mentioned is negative self-talk. You know, that little voice of doubt, or that bigger voice that says - well you know what it says.

Nearly every artist can benefit from an artist's first aid kit, starting with a tool to dispel those thoughts, and turn them around into honest appraisals of where we are now and where we want to go.

I used this tool myself just yesterday when I painted in my temporary studio for the first time. "I can't paint in there" I said to myself. "It's too cold, and it's too dark."...I turned those thoughts around. It worked!

I got past my own negative self-talk and remembered how much I love being an artist. It wasn't long before I was deep into the paint and enjoying the process of working on small studies for my next series. The time just flew by, and I never even noticed that I was in our garage. Oh, how I love to paint!

If you would like to learn a simple tool for getting those thoughts out of your way so you can create to your hearts content, then the complementary teleclass happening this Tuesday at (4 pm Pacific, 7 pm Eastern) may be just the ticket for you. If you can't attend live, I will send you a recording if you sign up for the event.

If you are curious about creativity coaching for artists and creative people, or you just want to know the tool for quieting your inner critic, then send me an email to coach leslie @ (remove the spaces) and I will send you the details about participating in this complementary event. It's my gift to you. We will have some laughter and some insight. It's going to be fun!

Meanwhile, this week two very competent individuals, my husband and his son, will spend the entire week hanging the walls and ceiling of the new studio and wood working shop.

If they get that done, they will proceed with more work on the building. I am soooo excited!


  1. Wonderful, wonderful new studio!
    But I love what you created in the garage also. Proves that it's where you are in your head that counts, doesn't it?
    But, oh how fortunate you are to be getting this space!
    (like you didn't know, haha)

  2. Your course sounds exciting Leslie, I hope its a big success, I have no doubt it will be. Such a great open space you have there too. Look forward to seeing more.

  3. Hi Babs - I agree - its what's in our head more than any other factor that lets us create. I just had to get over myself!

    Hi Judy - Thank you. I'm excited about the course. We have a great group of artists joining in. The new studio is a beautiful space with lots of light.

  4. Anxious to rid myself of the negative self talk, and anxious to see your new studio when it's done!

  5. Hi Lia - The studio has been a project spanning several years - this may be the year it gets done?! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. How exciting to have hubby and his son working on your studio this week-- I have been there and when it is all done you will have a very large, very wonderful studio-- well worth all the wait, time and work put into it. and your collage is so loose free and filled with lovely line work

  7. What an incredible space. I think that I could live in that space! Wonderful skylights and tall, tall ceilings. How great to have it come to fruition. Good things come to those who wait, right?

  8. Lucky girl, you are indeed. That studio will be awesome in the true sense of the word. Love your latest collage, too. And it's very obvious that you love to paint.

  9. I love your new piece, Leslie. I like the script- it looks like a letter. The black outlines of circles are graceful. They really draw me in.

    You're studio is almost done. How exciting!

  10. you obviously found your muse in your new studio as the piece you've created is beautiful. sometimes i think we need to infuse creativity into our studios as opposed to waiting for the studio to inspire us!

  11. Looks beautiful, great light and walls--and I know that feeling you describe of overcoming resistance to going to the studio, then once you get into working it all fades. (My studio tends to be very cold all winter, and it is sometimes hard to get past that but always glad I do.) Yours will be great though when finished!!

  12. Wow, the studio looks like it's coming on really well. Feel really excited for you! I love the views out the windows to the trees.

  13. Space .... light ..... how wonderful is that ?!! Slowly, slowly you're getting there.

  14. Excited to see the progress on your studio as it comes together!

  15. love seeing the inside of the new studio and learning you have begun painting in there. Light is wonderful yes, but to me so is space. Looks wide open. Hope the construction went well.

  16. I can't wait to see your studio when it's done!

  17. I feel so sad because I'm so far of you and I cannot visit your wonderful studio...but I'm very happy because I can enjoy your lovely collages in your blog!

    Thank you for share them.

    Many kisses

  18. So exciting to see your studio "raised". The skylights look perfect. Wonderful to watch in every weather.
    Your creativity conversation sounds wonderful!

  19. Leslie, I really needed your pep talk as I use the excuse of small, cold, dark studio to keep me away from it. I'm amazed that when I quit resisting, I find myself saying how much I love my quite, cozy little space.
    Your studio looks wonderful. I know you'll spend many hours there creating beautiful art.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

  20. I always think it's wonderful to have a place to "make art"! Can't wait to see your finished studio and well, a garage with good lighting is still a great space!!
    Thanks for the first aid pep talk- can be used for so many things!!

  21. Yay you for the new studio. What a lovely hubby and son. Have a great time at your course. You must be nothing short of a miracle for some people. I LOVE the artwork above. Can't go past a bit of calligraphy ;-)

  22. Your new studio is so wonderful!
    Your work too!!!

  23. Can't believe I didn't mention this collage. For me it symbolizes the creative spirit. So exciting!

  24. Je ne comprends pas la langue anglaise ...mais je comprends la langue des images ...
    J'adore ce que vous faites !

  25. Leslie, what a fantastic studio you will have pretty soon!!


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