
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Studio Time

I’ve had three good days in the studio. I usually work on several pieces at a time. That means sometimes a lot of things are coming to resolution all at the same time. That is always a good feeling.

This piece is one that I enjoyed creating. It is on birch panel, 20 inches by 20 inches. It is mixed media; gauche, acrylic, and conté crayon. The number 5 has some personal meaning for me. I am showing you a photo and then scans for detail. When Jeane was here the other day, the one thing we complained about was the difficulty of getting colors just right between digital imagery, the differing computer monitors, and – at least for me – my skill level for adjusting colors to make them most like the original. The color in the close up scans is more true to the actual painting.

Here is a thought for the day, from Ian Roberts – “The quality of your attention influences how you see things. And, what you put your attention on grows stronger in your life…If you want to paint and put your focus on paintings you will unleash a torrent of energy and enthusiasm.”

So true.


  1. I have become your #1 fan. I absolutely love your work. I am sure your visit with Jeane was fun. The two of you have such a unique vision with your art.

  2. wonderful to see the process shots (and loved the videos from your studio visit with Jeanne) - and the quote is one of those never ending truths of life.


  3. Nice work! I'm enjoying your blog very much!

  4. As good as a photo can be, seeing it live opens up another world. Wish I could see your stuff in person, Leslie.

  5. I love these numbers, especially 5. Always my "lucky" number. I find that this year, I'm dreading my birthday. I will be 46 and not 45! I suppose my 50's will be good years.

    As usual, I love your textures and colors.

  6. Me again, Leslie!

    Strange to see how different the colours can be between photograph and scan. But who knows what each of us actually sees?!

  7. Intriquing piece! Hope we see the whole canvas soon. I battle with colour too and even with the wood carvings the colour in the photograph can be so out. Lovely quote.

  8. I love visiting here...your work is soothing Leslie. Enjoying your sidebar too. :)

  9. Loving your use of numbers and, as always, the colors and textures!

  10. I am exploring collage and encaustics too at the moment from more traditional approaches in painting and am inspired by your work. Nice to
    have come across your blog through Seth's
    "digging for treasure" blog.


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