
Friday, May 22, 2009

Studio Time

Mixed media painting by Leslie Avon Miller, 20 by 20 inches on panel

I love long weekends – with time to create, think, write, relax, experience life at a more human pace. Lovely. I have finished the painting I wanted to make for our mantel. I’m going to share my inspiration. I saw these “woman-kins” in a book I have called Pottery Barn Living Rooms. I also saw the white and grey painting with some warm tones in the same book. I have had the page with that painting ear-marked for years. I like it a lot. So combing those two sources of inspiration I made my painting, which is 20 inches by 20 inches on birch panel. I also happen to have two woman-kins to which I added paint and ink to make them look aged and interesting. With luck, they will be displayed on the mantel as well. If I am pleased with the way my mantel make over project turns out, I’ll post a photo.
Tomorrow will afford me more studio time. The second coat of gesso is dry on the 36 inch panel, and I have started four more Bone Prayer paintings. I also made some collage papers.
Studio time is like a health tonic. My life is so much more comfortable when I get some on a regular basis. I can’t think of a better way to spend a holiday weekend. I wish everyone a great weekend. Everywhere in the world its spring or fall – the most tender of seasons.


  1. Hi Leslie,

    Your painting has a lot more light in it, for me, than the one that inspired you. It will be interesting to see what your 'mantlescape' looks like.

  2. That will be a beautiful addition to your mantel.

    It is interesting how you can be captured by photo and have it germinate away for years until a complimentary inspiration comes along and out of the two emerges something totally unique.

  3. Beautiful! I wish you very long

  4. thank you!! inspiring....
    i've been busy posting photos from our little getaway.....enjoy your weekend, and your work, and i can tell you need no coaxing there!! the woman-kins, such a serene feel to your painting, but that seems to be evident in who you are.

  5. Before I scrolled down, I was going to say your vases bring to mind the image of dress forms! I have a male and female form upstairs at WM. It's fun to hang things on them. Right now the lady is wearing my collection of vintage rosaries.

  6. You are humming along! I love your inspirations as well your high spirits about studio time...enjoy!
    Happy Memorial Day!

  7. It's wonderful the way ideas develop and what a treat to see the inspiration behind your painting. Have a great long weekend!

  8. I couldn't agree with you more about studio time being an elixir! Thanks for sharing your inspiration for this wonderful painting. Great example of finding inspiration and creating something that is uniquely your own.

  9. love the inspiration pieces - thos woman kins? are fabulous - their patina reminds me of your work...

  10. Beautiful, Leslie. . . you are indeed "rich in art."

  11. Leslie--Wow! I love the painting over the mantle. It reminds me of some of the hilly areas here in Calif. that lead to the ocean...gentle, rolling hills, farm fences. I'm not sure if that is what you did or not but that is what it says to me. I love the way you have it displayed with the wheels in front. Very artistic display. You really are amazing. Tell me: what does your studio time consisit of currently? (Amount of time, days, etc.) I need to formulate a schedule for myself. I feel as though I am wasting too much time these days but then, I am "waiting" on my surgery (June 24) after our trip to Orcas Island. Hmmmm....why wait?

  12. Thanks for sharing your inspiration and showing us where it led you.

    I love your new mantel piece, those forms (woman-kins) really appeal and I love the detail/writing on them.

    Looking forward to seeing them displayed on your mantel.

  13. Beautiful, Leslie! Well done. How is your coaching site going? I would love to hear back from you.
    Take care, Michele xo

  14. YOu know, I just love coming to your blog, it is so soothing...the neutral shades..the's like an exhalation..

  15. Pure serenity here today...
    your mixed media piece is truly beautiful...I love the "woman-kin" forms you have added in. It's brought a "the feminine" into this piece.

  16. Leslie,

    I'm happy to be a follower of your blog, since you share both your art which I admire, ánd your thoughts and other most useful information. Thank you!

  17. I love it that you showed your inspiration here... and I absolutely love your new painting... NOw I need to look at it again and soak it in. roxanne

  18. These are really wonderful pieces Leslie! Thank you for your comments too!


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