
Friday, May 1, 2009

The Bone Series Continues

Old Bone Prayer

Painting Detail
“Own your creativity. You are a creative being by nature, and your creativity is one with the unending energies that flow throughout the universe. The question is not whether you are creative “enough” but whether you will free yourself to express the creativity that is uniquely yours.” – Ian Roberts

The Bone Series continues. This is a smaller piece on birch panel, measuring 12 inches by 12 inches. I have four more small ones in progress in the studio. I remember that in the past I have been told my work invites one to come up close. That is apparently how I am currently creating – a lot of small details, an invitation to come close, eye to painting as it were.

These pieces have personal meaning for me, and are containers or vehicles for rich awareness and “beingness”. I’m beginning to think about the artist’s statement I will write for this series.

I haven’t forgotten that I said I would post about the birch panel fabrication process or the cold wax final coat for the paintings, but family duty calls this weekend, and I suspect it will be next weekend before I get time to put that information together.


  1. I am loving this bone series. The color and textures you are getting are fabulous.

  2. Great series. The detail allows us to see the depth and richness of the work.

  3. Those are beautiful. I could look at them all day.

  4. I needed that quote today-- a reminder I needed to remember-- so thank you! thank you also for your beautiful work! I find your subtle palette lovely and yes, inviting me closer to see your markings! looking forward to hearing more about your process! namaste Elis.

  5. the second photo is really wonderful - love all the texture and subtle color variations.....lovely...

  6. You've no idea just how close my nose gets to the screen. Love this series! Looking forward to the post on the wax process. Am smiling at the Robin Williams quote.

  7. Hi Leslie,

    It is interesting how the lighting makes different the colouring of the two images. The first one much warmer with what seem to be mushroom and pink shades rather than the brighter chalk and straw of the second. But the birch ply certainly gives texture.

  8. I'm enjoying your bone series and clicking and enlarging reveals more texture and more interesting color variations. Keep on!

  9. you know... I needed to read that quote just then... thankyou.

  10. Je suis trés sensible à cet art, il m'envoûte. J'aime les textures, ça me fait penser à de vieux murs, j'adore les vieux murs et les graffiti !
    Merci pour ton art,
    Kisses from France,

  11. I find that a quote always arrives when it is most needed! thank you Leslie - inspiring as always - I just love the simplicity and depth to the old bone series - the maturity in the work is evident of the practice!

  12. I'm loving this series Leslie...great quote too.

  13. That is a wonderful qoute from Ian Roberts, just what I needed. Thanks for sharing.
    I love the structure of your paintings! Wonderful works!

    btw I've put a link of your website on my bloglist I daily visit ;-)

  14. Thank you for the closeup. Your art is so rugged and yet so peaceful it needs closer inspection!

  15. There is a rawness to these pieces, and clarity as well. I love the quote too. The word speak to me of finding my own uniqueness in my art... Have a great week! Roxanne

  16. These are fabulous. I love the next day's piece too.



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