
Monday, February 23, 2009


Need a smile? This creative, upbeat and funny little movie is just the ticket! Get validated! I suggest you get a cup of something as this is 16 minutes long, but it will provide you with uplift good for the rest of the day! I am not an actress but I would have loved to be in this movie! Don't you love the way creatives (and that is all of us) come up with the best stuff?! (Back to our regular programming soon.)


  1. we all need validation...
    and smiles.
    enjoyed it

  2. Oh Leslie this has really set me upfor the day - beautifully funny I will smile just thinking about it - thank you

  3. Hi, this is my first time visiting. Love your art. Loved this video...thanks for sharing it. It did make me smile. Have a lovely day:)

  4. poemhome, Ms. R Rose, Rhonda and Jeanne: I’m glad you enjoyed this cute movie. When I saw it I had come home from a frustrating day at work; each phone call lead to the need to make more, and none of them actually solved the problem. Then I saw this movie. I felt better, and was able to laugh at the comedy of my day. That’s what I love about humor, the healing power of laughter and positive interactions.

  5. this warms my heart..

    such a beautiful vid...*sigh*



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