
Friday, January 2, 2009

Few Words

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Today I have few words. This piece is part of a painting series I did last year.

here to Pamela Farrell’s art blog and see photos of artist studios and work.
here to see contempoary sculptural textiles; the work of Gyongy Laky. This includes installations and views of her studio. Go here to see the collage, paintings and assemblages of Roberta B Marks. Enjoy!


  1. A picture tells a thousand stories, Thanks for the tour it was exciting and inspiring.

  2. Hi Leslie - I just had fun going to the sites you reccommended - I especially liked Roberta Marks - what fun collages and constructs! she has a nice sense of humour...I feel like I just spent a day at MOMA!

  3. A wonderful abstract figure, one of my favorite subjects. Unfortunately my wife specializes in these and I try not to overlap her areas too much, so I must enjoy from afar (I'm not too good at them anyway!).

    I'm fascinated by textures and I love what you've done with that in this piece!

  4. CS I am pleased you enjoyed the links. There is so much art to enjoy!

    Oliag: Yes, Robert Marks is truly speaking in her own voice. She has a poetic esthetic.

    Bob: Thanks for your kind remarks. I have seen figures in your photography. They are stunning! I collect a lot of images of art. Predominantly that art is non objective. But I notice the next most frequent subject I collect is abstracted figures. I know another series of figures is in the incubation phase. Someday I am going to teach a workshop focusing on textures…..

  5. uuummmmmm - Leslie, I'm loving this image!

  6. Maybe a few words...but a ton of inspiration!!! Thanks for these wonderful links Leslie.
    Your painting detail is fascinating...of course amazing texture...and I like the feeling of mystery I get from it!

  7. wow! This picture is so beautiful!
    Love your soft colors!

  8. Your color are so subtle and lovely.
    Greetings for 2009

  9. Truly like your work. The textures are simply amazing. I wonder about its size, though. I imagine they are quite big. I imagine your work in big rooms with lots of light, for some reason.

  10. Love the Roberta Marks website. . . so elegantly simple and ultimately inspiring me to work with some of the other stuff I have stash away. Thanks for the tour. . . how do you find these places?

  11. Jeane: image love; that’s art, succinctly!

    I Love B & W: soft colors. I love them so. My current black and white phase will run its full course and I will pick up colors again, I’m sure.

    Elizabeth: Greetings to you for 2009 also. Thanks for visiting!

    Miss Mary: Yes, I just love Roberta’s depth. There is so much personal meaning in her work. At her web site I found that she has a book of her collage for sale. I bought one from her (you simply send her an email) and I am so glad I did. Plus in the book are her quotes, and writings about her work. One quote is “Exposing what is beneath the surface is a long and tedious process.” Another is “I paste bits and pieces together to find answers.” I think she is a process person too.

  12. Luisa: Welcome. I love your brand new blog. You have a great eye for simplicity and line, darks and lights. What lovely images your words conjure up for me! I’m going to go pin up your words in the studio, as inspiration! The images of figures are actually very small. They were born however, in rooms with a lot of natural light. My new studio, under construction, is big and has lots of windows and sky lights. I’m working there in a temporary way, on plywood set on saw horses. And I am working towards larger pieces. I have supports up to 20 x 20, and when I can do those, I’ll try bigger.

  13. Jo: I am glad you enjoyed the links and found inspiration. I like mystery in art; lost edges, left out details, suggestions, space for the viewer to create parts of the story….Thanks for stopping by.

  14. Thanks for the links Leslie. And for the comment on my blog. Your piece is quite special. Love the muted colors and textural qualities.


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